6 Tips to Change Your Mindset on Networking

Networking and community are two buzzwords that have been circling around the business world and our LinkedIn feeds since day dot, but what do they really mean in practice when it comes to running your small business? 

Here at The Doers, both networking and community play a huge role in the set up of our business model. Think of it as the beating heart of who we are. On one hand, networking helps us to grow our client base. Putting ourselves out there in the wild allows us to connect with the right brands for our business and in turn it drives new leads and eventually, new clients. 

On the other hand, we have our focus on growing our freelancer collective - the community we surround ourselves with and those that help us deliver top notch work to our clients. It’s important for us to network with the best talent the digital-scape (and beyond) has to offer and once we onboard them, to keep them involved in our community.

We’ve learnt a few things over the years on the power of networking. Here are some of our top tips on how to change your mindset and embrace networking in your own business model:

  1. Contacts, contacts, contacts

    You're only ever as strong as your little black book. Throughout your career you meet all kinds of different professionals from all walks of business. Make sure to keep a note of them and keep your connections strong. Be nice to everyone. Offer support and give back to them where you can. You never know who and when someone might be able to help you in return.

  2. What goes around comes around

    Never forget about your old friend, Karma. Networking isn't about immediate wins, it's about nurturing long term connections and helping people along the way. In any given opportunity, make sure to offer advice, help others, make introductions and connect people within your own networks. The favour will be returned later down the line.

  3. Don't forget the offline

    Even during uncertain times, real connections and conversations are key. You can follow and connect with someone online, but to make it really count, follow it up with a call to truly make it a personal touch. Get a date in the diary to meet. Book in a Zoom call if that’s not possible. Speak to someone on the phone. Real-life interactions go a lot further than social and email can. Always. 

4. Just ask

As humans, we often shy away from asking for help or feedback, but funnily enough, people actually love to help. Asking for feedback is a really powerful tool to reignite connection with old contacts. Go back to old clients and contacts to ask for a review or to leave a recommendation on LinkedIn. Not only will it help you further your skills and your own business but getting back in touch with people with a tangible ask is a great exercise and can often lead to new things.

5. Shared values and honesty

Be human with your connections. The business world is overrun with an undercurrent of fakeness. Don’t be the one to fuel that. Be personable and approachable and let people you connect with understand what your business values are. This opens the door to being able to share experiences, which help to build personal and deep connections. So remember when building your community, finding shared values to connect with is the true key.

6. It's a long game

Don’t forget networking isn't always immediate. Don’t go into it with a win or goal in mind or an ulterior motive. Take the opportunity to meet who you can, connect and stay in touch with people you meet, after all, you never know who and when someone might be able to help. It’s all about the long-term game and all about connecting authentically.

Fancy a crack at networking now you have your a-game back?

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