5 Things You Need To Know About Social Media in 2022

Social media is an ever-changing beast, so it’s only right that we all need to sharpen up on what to expect in 2022 and how to adapt to continue making social media a key part of our marketing strategy. Whether last year was the year you managed to nail your presence on social media or you’re still yet to conquer it, we’re here to talk you through the 5 things you need to know about social media in 2022.

Consistency is key

First things first, there is so much to be said for simple consistency on your brand’s channels. We see it all too often, the brands who go through a moment of inspiration and post frequently and then all of a sudden, radio silence. Why is this bad? Simply put, to stay relevant you need to maintain a regular presence in front of your audience. A lot can change in a few weeks, so if you are frequently dipping out of your channel, you may find your audience will go elsewhere.

Do not fret though, consistency is what you define it as. You do not need to post every day, find a schedule that works for you and stick to it. For instance, on our Instagram channel, we post 3 times a week during the working week, why? Because our target audiences are brands and freelancers, chances are at the weekend they’re doing something other than working (or at least we hope they are!)

Embrace short-form video

There’s no denying short-form video is here to stay, since the boom of TikTok during the beginning of the pandemic, the usage of short-form video has only gone from strength to strength. But, we’re not limited to just TikTok anymore, the style has been embraced by all of the key platforms, namely Instagram with Reels, Pinterest with Idea Pins, and YouTube with Shorts.

They can seem a little daunting, especially for brands that have seen success with image-based content in the past. But do not fear, the great thing about the rise of short-form video is the veil of polished content which has slowly been disappearing from our social platforms. With brands embracing a more tongue, and cheek persona on TikTok and content filmed on phones rather than cameras. Now, is the perfect time to experiment with how short-form video will work for your brand. Just trust the process!

What’s in it for you? Reach and engagement friends, the golden duo. It’s been reported that brands that are using short-form video as part of their social media strategy are seeing up to 10 times more engagement than those that are not.

Don’t overload yourself

One of our key tips for this year (and every year) is to not overload yourself. As tempting as it is, to try and create a presence on every single social media platform, remember to only do what you actually can manage well. Brands who are cracking jokes on Twitter, whilst posting high-value content on Instagram and are going viral on TikTok? They have sizeable social media teams at the helm. If you’re a one-man band or a quartet - pick a platform or two and drive your energy into that.

When we overload ourselves, we tend to hit a point of burnout, and when that happens? Consistency and quality slip right out of the window. Do we want that to happen? No! So, stick to what is manageable.

Keep it simple

One of the biggest trends of this year will be the continuation away from polished posts and brand facades on social media. Not to bang on about TikTok but it really has unearthed a true taste of what audiences truly want from their social consumption, raw, unedited, and real.

So how does this translate to the rest of social media? Being as authentic as possible, letting the perfect grid slide in order to serve high-value content, showing behind the scenes and the personalities who work for your brand. Whatever it is, if it feels genuine to you, it will to your audience too.

Remember that diversity is an ongoing conversation

One thing brands need to be mindful of this year on social media is their commitment to diversity. Nearly two years ago we saw brands come together to speak out about diversity and pledge to create a more inclusive space for everyone.

It’s really important that these pledges are upheld and made accountable so that we can move to an all-around more diverse social media verse. With that in mind, it’s key to make diversity a front and centre of your campaign planning.


This post was written by our Inner Circle member, Allie. If you’re in any need of social media advice or help, do be sure to book a 30-minute discovery call.



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