Taking the plunge and working for myself

It was a big decision to start working for myself and I was lucky. Jess, my old work colleague, long term friend and ‘Aunty Jessie’ to my boys, had gone freelance, had an idea, a vision and wanted to share it with me! 

Every working girls dream right?! Well maybe now, but it wasn’t at first!

How it all began

When Jess first planted the seed of working together, working for ourselves, working flexibly around my family and working from home, I had a six month old, Oliver, and a two year old, Jacob. We’d had a tough six months dealing with everything from months of colic with Oli to a week in hospital for Jacob. All of it had left me feeling exhausted, with a fog of postnatal depression and a total loss of confidence in myself.

I could barely manage to leave the house in the morning without somebody’s bodily fluids on me, let alone run a business!

Three months and a period of relative calm later, I realised that I wasn’t feeling myself. After working through it with my family and friends, I felt a little more ready, but still didn’t have the confidence to make the leap.

Returning to work

I decided to return to my previous role. My boss was beyond understanding as a mum herself, and we worked out a phased and flexible return to work. I loved working there and went back to work full of enthusiasm, when Oliver was ten months old.

But Jess had started something – I couldn’t quite forget her idea, and as I commuted each morning and got my head back into work – instead of sleep training, teething and nappies – my confidence in myself started to return and the ideas started to flow!  

I started to look at myself and how I talked about the work I did, and couldn’t help but compare it to the people around me. Why was I shrugging off what I do and not celebrating it?!

Soon, I couldn’t shake off the feeling that I was raising two wonderful boys, who haven’t yet learnt society’s rules about the differences between girls and boys. I wanted them to grow up with both parents really enjoying what they do. I want them to be proud of what they do, learn to work hard and show them that anything is possible.

Fuelled by this I took the plunge – I handed in my notice. This was a terrifying prospect as I really did feel supported there. But I knew that long-term I was going to be starting one of the most scary but rewarding things. Working for myself. Starting something from scratch. Creating a business that I really believe in. All based on the values and beliefs I hold close to my heart.


I’m just at the very beginning of my journey. Whilst I have no idea how this will unfold, I’ll be teaching my boys the importance of following their dreams. Installing a positive working ethic and taking pride in what you do feels so good. I’m so proud that I’ve taken this leap and taken a risk. Life wasn’t meant for being filled with what ifs! 

Let’s see what this all has in store for us!


I started a business and then got pregnant. OH S!*%…